About me
About ME
I’m a Freelance Journalist and Editor
Let me introduce myself.
I’m David, and I have a few hats.
The first is effectively a hard hat: I edit New London Quarterly, a magazine about architecture, design, property, construction, and pretty much everything that affects life in the UK capital, for New London Architecture. I also edit New London Weekly, its bulletin to a built environment audience every seven days, including a regular ‘Five Minutes With’ interview I do with interesting people from across the city and beyond
My other main hat is a bike helmet. Because I also edit Velocity Magazine, another (resolutely) print publication that I co-founded, and run with Toby Fox. Its focus is people, property and bikes, and is essentially about cities have adapted to the growth in cycling, and the people that are shaping that world. We do a podcast called ‘Tracks of my Tyres’, which takes its guests along a journey through music, design, buildings and cycling, through their choices marking key chapters in their lives. And I do one called ‘Detailer’ – commute-sized interviews with interesting people in design, architecture, or just my contacts folder.
And the rest of my freelance existence is in producing the odd book, such as one for RSHP about Barangaroo in Australia, others for Buckley Gray Yeoman, others for practices like Stanton Williams, and research papers for organisations like the Greater London Authority.
So that’s me. I hope we can meet soon.